Car Maintenance Services at Broadway Automotive
Every vehicle needs fluids in order to properly function. From essential fluids like oil to helpful fluids like windshield washer fluid, it’s important to make sure that your vehicle has enough fluids at all times. Sometimes, depending on the fluid, your vehicle may require fluids to be replaced. If you are wondering where you can get your fluids checked and replaced in Manitowoc and Green Bay, WI, visit us at Broadway Automotive.
[ Oil Change Services at Broadway Automotive ]
Signs of Leaking Fluid
Whether it be from old age or from damage to the vehicle, you may notice signs of leaking fluids in your vehicle. Here are some signs to watch for with various fluids:
- Oil – black spots underneath your vehicle; dropping oil level; burning oil smell; overheating engine; smoke coming from exhaust
- Transmission fluid – red/reddish-brown spots underneath your vehicle; slipping transmission; difficulty accelerating
- Coolant/Antifreeze – red, pink, green, or blue puddle underneath your vehicle; overheating engine; bubbling radiator; cracked radiator cap or hoses; white smoke coming from the exhaust
- Power steering fluid – whining noise when turning the steering wheel; difficulty turning the steering wheel; vibrating or jerking steering wheel
- Brake fluid – the brake feels squishy or spongy; the brake pedal goes down to the floor; fluid underneath the vehicle
- Windshield washer fluid – no windshield washer fluid is coming out and needs to be refilled frequently; cracks in the tank; hoses are loose and/or damp

Schedule Service at Broadway Automotive
Do you need a regular checkup for your car? Is something leaking and you don’t know what’s causing it? Schedule service at Broadway Automotive and we will be glad to diagnose and fix any leaks we find. Select your preferred Broadway location below and schedule your appointment with us online.