Good Morning Broadway Team Members:
As you may know, our Broadway campuses have experienced a few cases of COVID-19 over the past few weeks. With schools open, we estimate a spike in positive cases throughout our communities.
Please take steps to keep yourself, your family, and your coworkers safe!
- If you are feeling sick, stay home.
Common symptoms of COVID-19 include a sore throat, coughing, fever of any grade, and shortness of breath. If you feel any of these symptoms, please stay home and request a test.
- Stay home if you have had direct/close contact with an individual whom tested positive.
A large portion of COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic. If you’ve had direct contact with anyone that tested positive, even if you’re not showing symptoms yourself, we urge you to stay home and request a test. Direct or close contact is defined as contact with any individual within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes of laboratory-confirmed or probable COVID-19 patient.
- Wash your hands regularly
- Properly distance from others. For the next two or three weeks, Broadway will be pulling back our interactions and meeting schedules, similar to our return to work from our two week shut down.
- Maintain communications properly distanced/spaced, utilize email and telephone, etc.
We appreciate you have read the steps outlined above a hundred times over the last few months. We are asking that you read them again! Live these words. Many COVID-19 cases, the individual is asymptomatic while others show symptoms outlined above. I do not know how to share in a lighter manner; if you are sick and you come to work regardless, you are intentionally risking the health and livelihood of your co-workers. Be smart!
Many Broadway Associates face the incredible task of caretaking and/or homeschooling while trying to manage a 40-plus hour work week. During this crisis, please reach out to your direct supervisor(s) and our HR Team for assistance. We will do our best to explore all our resources to help you during this challenging time. We’ll do our best, together.
Be safe, be smart, and enjoy the upcoming weekend.
Michael & David